Mirage: BGA styles

1.1 sass.colors Colors

Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Use the color() function to add colors to CSS properties. To learn more, read the Chroma documentation.



The site's main colors. Can be used to define colors in other color schemes.

color(bga-blue) uses the color: #003a63
color(bga-yellow) uses the color: #fff200 This color is inherited by: mark-bg
color(black) uses the color: #000 This color is inherited by: text-black, grey-dark, grey, grey-light, text, text-grey, border, autocomplete, button, button-disabled, fieldset-summary, menu-active, progress-bar-bg, progress-bar-border, row-disabled, skip-link-bg, status-highlight, warning, tabs-border, tab, tab-bg, tab-secondary
color(text-black) uses the color: #333333 (black) This color is inherited by: text, autocomplete, button, menu-active, status-highlight, warning, tab
color(grey-dark) uses the color: #666666 (black) This color is inherited by: text-grey, progress-bar-border, skip-link-bg, tab-secondary
color(grey) uses the color: #999999 (black) This color is inherited by: button-disabled, fieldset-summary
color(grey-light) uses the color: #cccccc (black) This color is inherited by: border, progress-bar-bg, row-disabled, tabs-border, tab-bg
color(grey-extra-light) uses the color: #eaebee This color is inherited by: body-bg, resizable-grippie, row-stripe, watermark
color(white) uses the color: #fff This color is inherited by: text-bg, autocomplete-bg, autocomplete-select, skip-link, tabs-bg, tab-text-shadow
color(blue) uses the color: #4580bb This color is inherited by: link, link-visited, autocomplete-select-bg, progress-bar, status, status-bg
color(red) uses the color: #c00 This color is inherited by: link-active, form-error, mark-highlight, error, error-bg
color(yellow) uses the color: #fd0 This color is inherited by: preview-bg, warning-bg, warning-border, table-drag, table-select


Colors used by functional parts of the design.

color(text) uses the color: #333333 (text-black) This color is inherited by: autocomplete, button, menu-active, status-highlight, warning, tab
color(text-bg) uses the color: #fff (white) This color is inherited by: autocomplete-bg, tabs-bg
color(text-grey) uses the color: #666666 (grey-dark)
color(link) uses the color: #4580bb (blue)
color(link-visited) uses the color: #294d71 (blue)
color(link-active) uses the color: #c00 (red)
color(border) uses the color: #cccccc (grey-light) This color is inherited by: tabs-border
color(autocomplete) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(autocomplete-bg) uses the color: #fff (text-bg)
color(autocomplete-select) uses the color: #fff (white)
color(autocomplete-select-bg) uses the color: #4580bb (blue)
color(body-bg) uses the color: #eaebee (grey-extra-light)
color(button) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(button-disabled) uses the color: #999999 (grey)
color(fieldset-summary) uses the color: #999999 (grey)
color(form-error) uses the color: #c00 (red)
color(mark-highlight) uses the color: #c00 (red)
color(mark-bg) uses the color: #fff200 (bga-yellow)
color(menu-active) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(preview-bg) uses the color: #fffadb (yellow)
color(progress-bar) uses the color: #4580bb (blue)
color(progress-bar-bg) uses the color: #cccccc (grey-light)
color(progress-bar-border) uses the color: #666666 (grey-dark)
color(resizable-grippie) uses the color: #eaebee (grey-extra-light)
color(row-stripe) uses the color: #eaebee (grey-extra-light)
color(row-disabled) uses the color: #cccccc (grey-light)
color(skip-link) uses the color: #fff (white)
color(skip-link-bg) uses the color: #666666 (grey-dark)
color(status) uses the color: #4580bb (blue) This color is inherited by: status-bg
color(status-bg) uses the color: white (status)
color(status-highlight) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(warning) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(warning-bg) uses the color: #fffce6 (yellow)
color(warning-border) uses the color: #fd0 (yellow)
color(error) uses the color: #c00 (red) This color is inherited by: error-bg
color(error-bg) uses the color: #fff0f0 (error)
color(tabs-border) uses the color: #cccccc (border)
color(tabs-bg) uses the color: #fff (text-bg)
color(tab) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(tab-text-shadow) uses the color: #fff (white)
color(tab-bg) uses the color: #dddddd (grey-light)
color(tab-secondary) uses the color: #666666 (grey-dark)
color(table-drag) uses the color: #fffadb (yellow)
color(table-select) uses the color: #fffdf0 (yellow)
color(watermark) uses the color: #eaebee (grey-extra-light)
Source: init/_colors.scss, line 3