1.1 sass.colors Colors
Use the color()
function to add colors to CSS properties. To learn more,
read the Chroma documentation.
The site's main colors. Can be used to define colors in other color schemes.
uses the color: #003a63
uses the color: #fff200
This color is inherited by: mark-bgcolor(black)
uses the color: #000
This color is inherited by: text-black, grey-dark, grey, grey-light, text, text-grey, border, autocomplete, button, button-disabled, fieldset-summary, menu-active, progress-bar-bg, progress-bar-border, row-disabled, skip-link-bg, status-highlight, warning, tabs-border, tab, tab-bg, tab-secondarycolor(text-black)
uses the color: #333333
(black) This color is inherited by: text, autocomplete, button, menu-active, status-highlight, warning, tabcolor(grey-dark)
uses the color: #666666
(black) This color is inherited by: text-grey, progress-bar-border, skip-link-bg, tab-secondarycolor(grey)
uses the color: #999999
(black) This color is inherited by: button-disabled, fieldset-summarycolor(grey-light)
uses the color: #cccccc
(black) This color is inherited by: border, progress-bar-bg, row-disabled, tabs-border, tab-bgcolor(grey-extra-light)
uses the color: #eaebee
This color is inherited by: body-bg, resizable-grippie, row-stripe, watermarkcolor(white)
uses the color: #fff
This color is inherited by: text-bg, autocomplete-bg, autocomplete-select, skip-link, tabs-bg, tab-text-shadowcolor(blue)
uses the color: #4580bb
This color is inherited by: link, link-visited, autocomplete-select-bg, progress-bar, status, status-bgcolor(red)
uses the color: #c00
This color is inherited by: link-active, form-error, mark-highlight, error, error-bgcolor(yellow)
uses the color: #fd0
This color is inherited by: preview-bg, warning-bg, warning-border, table-drag, table-selectfunctional
Colors used by functional parts of the design.
uses the color: #333333
(text-black) This color is inherited by: autocomplete, button, menu-active, status-highlight, warning, tabcolor(text-bg)
uses the color: #fff
(white) This color is inherited by: autocomplete-bg, tabs-bgcolor(text-grey)
uses the color: #666666
uses the color: #4580bb
uses the color: #294d71
uses the color: #c00
uses the color: #cccccc
(grey-light) This color is inherited by: tabs-bordercolor(autocomplete)
uses the color: #333333
uses the color: #fff
uses the color: #fff
uses the color: #4580bb
uses the color: #eaebee
uses the color: #333333
uses the color: #999999
uses the color: #999999
uses the color: #c00
uses the color: #c00
uses the color: #fff200
uses the color: #333333
uses the color: #fffadb
uses the color: #4580bb
uses the color: #cccccc
uses the color: #666666
uses the color: #eaebee
uses the color: #eaebee
uses the color: #cccccc
uses the color: #fff
uses the color: #666666
uses the color: #4580bb
(blue) This color is inherited by: status-bgcolor(status-bg)
uses the color: white
uses the color: #333333
uses the color: #333333
uses the color: #fffce6
uses the color: #fd0
uses the color: #c00
(red) This color is inherited by: error-bgcolor(error-bg)
uses the color: #fff0f0
uses the color: #cccccc
uses the color: #fff
uses the color: #333333
uses the color: #fff
uses the color: #dddddd
uses the color: #666666
uses the color: #fffadb
uses the color: #fffdf0
uses the color: #eaebee
, line 3