Mirage: BGA styles

1 sass Colors and Sass

Documentation for colors and Sass mixins and variables.

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The site's main colors. Can be used to define colors in other color schemes.

color(bga-blue) uses the color: #003a63
color(bga-yellow) uses the color: #fff200 This color is inherited by: mark-bg
color(black) uses the color: #000 This color is inherited by: text-black, grey-dark, grey, grey-light, text, text-grey, border, autocomplete, button, button-disabled, fieldset-summary, menu-active, progress-bar-bg, progress-bar-border, row-disabled, skip-link-bg, status-highlight, warning, tabs-border, tab, tab-bg, tab-secondary
color(text-black) uses the color: #333333 (black) This color is inherited by: text, autocomplete, button, menu-active, status-highlight, warning, tab
color(grey-dark) uses the color: #666666 (black) This color is inherited by: text-grey, progress-bar-border, skip-link-bg, tab-secondary
color(grey) uses the color: #999999 (black) This color is inherited by: button-disabled, fieldset-summary
color(grey-light) uses the color: #cccccc (black) This color is inherited by: border, progress-bar-bg, row-disabled, tabs-border, tab-bg
color(grey-extra-light) uses the color: #eaebee This color is inherited by: body-bg, resizable-grippie, row-stripe, watermark
color(white) uses the color: #fff This color is inherited by: text-bg, autocomplete-bg, autocomplete-select, skip-link, tabs-bg, tab-text-shadow
color(blue) uses the color: #4580bb This color is inherited by: link, link-visited, autocomplete-select-bg, progress-bar, status, status-bg
color(red) uses the color: #c00 This color is inherited by: link-active, form-error, mark-highlight, error, error-bg
color(yellow) uses the color: #fd0 This color is inherited by: preview-bg, warning-bg, warning-border, table-drag, table-select


Colors used by functional parts of the design.

color(text) uses the color: #333333 (text-black) This color is inherited by: autocomplete, button, menu-active, status-highlight, warning, tab
color(text-bg) uses the color: #fff (white) This color is inherited by: autocomplete-bg, tabs-bg
color(text-grey) uses the color: #666666 (grey-dark)
color(link) uses the color: #4580bb (blue)
color(link-visited) uses the color: #294d71 (blue)
color(link-active) uses the color: #c00 (red)
color(border) uses the color: #cccccc (grey-light) This color is inherited by: tabs-border
color(autocomplete) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(autocomplete-bg) uses the color: #fff (text-bg)
color(autocomplete-select) uses the color: #fff (white)
color(autocomplete-select-bg) uses the color: #4580bb (blue)
color(body-bg) uses the color: #eaebee (grey-extra-light)
color(button) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(button-disabled) uses the color: #999999 (grey)
color(fieldset-summary) uses the color: #999999 (grey)
color(form-error) uses the color: #c00 (red)
color(mark-highlight) uses the color: #c00 (red)
color(mark-bg) uses the color: #fff200 (bga-yellow)
color(menu-active) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(preview-bg) uses the color: #fffadb (yellow)
color(progress-bar) uses the color: #4580bb (blue)
color(progress-bar-bg) uses the color: #cccccc (grey-light)
color(progress-bar-border) uses the color: #666666 (grey-dark)
color(resizable-grippie) uses the color: #eaebee (grey-extra-light)
color(row-stripe) uses the color: #eaebee (grey-extra-light)
color(row-disabled) uses the color: #cccccc (grey-light)
color(skip-link) uses the color: #fff (white)
color(skip-link-bg) uses the color: #666666 (grey-dark)
color(status) uses the color: #4580bb (blue) This color is inherited by: status-bg
color(status-bg) uses the color: white (status)
color(status-highlight) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(warning) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(warning-bg) uses the color: #fffce6 (yellow)
color(warning-border) uses the color: #fd0 (yellow)
color(error) uses the color: #c00 (red) This color is inherited by: error-bg
color(error-bg) uses the color: #fff0f0 (error)
color(tabs-border) uses the color: #cccccc (border)
color(tabs-bg) uses the color: #fff (text-bg)
color(tab) uses the color: #333333 (text)
color(tab-text-shadow) uses the color: #fff (white)
color(tab-bg) uses the color: #dddddd (grey-light)
color(tab-secondary) uses the color: #666666 (grey-dark)
color(table-drag) uses the color: #fffadb (yellow)
color(table-select) uses the color: #fffdf0 (yellow)
color(watermark) uses the color: #eaebee (grey-extra-light)
Source: init/_colors.scss, line 3

1.2 sass.init Initialization partial

To make it easier to use all variables and mixins in any Sass file in this project, each .scss file has a @import 'init'; declaration. The _init.scss file is in charge of importing all the other partials needed for the project.

The initialization partial is organized in this way:

  • First we set any shared Sass variables.
  • Next we import Sass modules.
  • Last we define our custom mixins for this project.
Source: _init.scss, line 1

1.3 sass.modules 3rd party libraries

The following sass modules are shared with all .scss files:

Additional pre-built libraries can be found on the Sache website.

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1.4 sass.variables Variables

Set variables for this site before a library sets its !default value.

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1.4.1 sass.variables.breakpoints Breakpoints

Use the respond-to() mixin to use named breakpoints. Documentation is available in the Breakpoint wiki pages.

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1.4.2 sass.variables.support-for Browser support

For older versions of browsers, some Sass relies on the support-for() to control whether extra CSS is needed to be output. The support-for() function and the $support-for variable are documented on the support-for homepage.

Source: init/_variables.scss, line 8

1.4.3 sass.variables.typey Font faces, stacks and sizes.

Font styling and line heights are controlled by the several variables that used by mixins like type-layout(), margin-top(), and margin-bottom(). These variable and mixins are documented on the Typey homepage.

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1.4.4 sass.variables.zen-grids Zen grids

The default grid system is built using the Zen Grids sass module. Full documentation is available on the Zen Grids website.

Note: if you are more comfortable using another grid system, you can easily remove Zen Grids and its layouts.

Source: init/_variables.scss, line 141

1.4.5 sass.variables.misc Miscellaneous variables

$indent-amount controls the amount lists, blockquotes and comments are indented.

$include-rtl controls whether RTL styles are output. Rather than include a separate *-rtl.css file, Zen 6 uses Drupal 8's standard [dir="rtl"] selector for RTL language support.

Source: init/_variables.scss, line 180

1.5 sass.functions Functions

Custom functions used on this site.

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1.6 sass.mixins Mixins

Custom mixins used on this site.

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1.6.1 sass.mixins.clearfix clearfix()

Allows the bottom of an element to extend to the bottom of all floated children elements. @see http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/

We use the micro-clearfix, optimized for use in @extend where fewer & is better.

Source: init/clearfix/_clearfix.scss, line 1

1.6.2 sass.mixins.image-url image-url()

If you include your images next to your component Sass files, you need to specify a url() to point from the generated CSS to the Sass source like this:

content: url(../sass/components/is-quite/long.svg);

With the image-url() function the path to all your components is assumed to start with ../sass/components/ and you just need to give it the last, short bit of the path in your Sass code like this:

content: image-url(is-quite/short.svg);

If you want to point at an image that is not in the components sub-directory of your sass directory, you can override the default $subdirectory by passing it in as the first parameter of image-url() like this:

content: image-url(base, grouping/blockquote.svg);

which would output url(../sass/base/grouping/blockquote.svg).

  • $subdirectory
    Optional. The relative path from the root of your Sass source to the sub-directory where components usually lie.
    Defaults to: $image-url-subdirectory
  • $path
    Required. The path to the image relative to the $subdirectory.
  • $path-to-source
    Optional. The relative path from the css build directory to the sass source directory.
    Defaults to: $image-url-path-to-source
Source: init/image-url/_image-url.scss, line 6

1.6.3 sass.mixins.rtl rtl()

Includes Right-To-Left language support by adding a parent selector of [dir="rtl"]. Since the dir attribute is usually defined on the html element of a page, using this mixin on a ruleset that matches the html element won't work.

Can be turned off globally by setting $include-rtl: false;.

  • $selector
    The RTL parent selector.
    Defaults to: '[dir="rtl"]'
Source: init/rtl/_rtl.scss, line 3

1.6.4 sass.mixins.visually-hidden visually-hidden()

Make an element visually hidden, but accessible to screen readers, etc. @see http://snook.ca/archives/html_and_css/hiding-content-for-accessibility

Source: init/visually-hidden/_visually-hidden.scss, line 3

1.6.5 sass.mixins.visually-hidden--focusable visually-hidden--focusable()

Makes an element visually hidden by default, but visible when receiving focus.

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